you actually end up relating so strongly to A that B
cahtGPT로 영어공부 가능하다는 것을 알았다.
you actually end uprelating so strongly to this inner structurethat you build your entire sense of selfaround it.
위 문장을 문법적으로 주어 동사 목적어 안긴문장 주어 등 분석해줄래?
문장을 분석해 보겠습니다.
문장 전체:
"You actually end up relating so strongly to this inner structure that you build your entire sense of self around it."
1. 주절 (Main Clause):
주어 (Subject): "You"
동사 (Verb): "end up"
목적어 (Object): "relating so strongly to this inner structure that you build your entire sense of self around it"
2. 안긴 문장 (Embedded Clause):
안긴문장 구조: "relating so strongly to this inner structure that you build your entire sense of self around it"
여기서 "relating so strongly to this inner structure"는 동명사 구문으로 쓰인 목적어 역할을 하고 있으며, 뒤따라오는 "that" 절이 안긴 문장의 형태로 보충 설명을 합니다.
3. 안긴문장 내 주어와 동사:
주어 (Subject): "you" (from "that you build your entire sense of self around it")
동사 (Verb): "build"
목적어 (Object): "your entire sense of self"
부사구 (Adverbial Phrase): "around it"
전체 구조:
"You (주어) actually end up (동사) [relating so strongly to this inner structure (동명사 구문) that (부사절 접속사) you (주어) build (동사) your entire sense of self (목적어) around it (부사구)]."
여기서 that은 어떤 역할로 어디까지 잡고있니?
여기서 **"that"**은 부사절 접속사로서 역할을 하고 있으며, 주절의 의미를 보충하여 설명하는 역할을 합니다.
**"that"**이 이끄는 부사절은 **"you build your entire sense of self around it"**까지를 포함하며, 이 전체 절이 앞부분의 "relating so strongly to this inner structure"라는 동명사 구문에 추가적인 설명을 덧붙이고 있습니다.
따라서 "that" 이하의 절은 "relating"의 결과나 정도를 나타내는 부사적 용법으로 쓰여, "내면 구조에 매우 강하게 관계하게 되어, 그 결과로 자신 전체를 그 구조에 맞춰 형성하게 된다"는 의미를 전달합니다.
이 문장을 외우고 싶은데 이와같은 방식으로
you actually end uprelating so strongly to A that you build B around it.
에서 A와 B를 다양한 상황별로 예시문을 만들어줄래? 예문을 통해 공부가 되더라구
물론이죠! 다음은 "you actually end up relating so strongly to A that you build B around it." 구조를 활용한 다양한 예문입니다.
1. A: your family values / B: your personal goals
"You actually end up relating so strongly to your family values that you build your personal goals around it."
2. A: the community’s needs / B: your career path
"You actually end up relating so strongly to the community’s needs that you build your career path around it."
3. A: the core mission of the company / B: your team’s projects
"You actually end up relating so strongly to the core mission of the company that you build your team’s projects around it."
4. A: a mentor’s advice / B: your approach to challenges
"You actually end up relating so strongly to a mentor’s advice that you build your approach to challenges around it."
5. A: the desire for growth / B: your daily habits
"You actually end up relating so strongly to the desire for growth that you build your daily habits around it."
6. A: traditional customs / B: your family rituals
"You actually end up relating so strongly to traditional customs that you build your family rituals around it."
7. A: the team’s vision / B: your work priorities
"You actually end up relating so strongly to the team’s vision that you build your work priorities around it."
8. A: environmental sustainability / B: your purchasing decisions
"You actually end up relating so strongly to environmental sustainability that you build your purchasing decisions around it."
9. A: academic principles / B: your study methods
"You actually end up relating so strongly to academic principles that you build your study methods around it."
10. A: cultural heritage / B: your artistic expression
"You actually end up relating so strongly to cultural heritage that you build your artistic expression around it."
이와 같이 다양한 문맥에서 연습해보시면 구조를 더 쉽게 외울 수 있을 것입니다.
around it 을 대체한다면?
"around it"을 다른 표현으로 대체하여 다양한 예시를 만들어 보겠습니다. 문맥에 따라 적절히 "based on it," "with it at the core," "in line with it," 등으로 바꿀 수 있습니다.
1. based on it
"You actually end up relating so strongly to traditional customs that you build your family rituals based on it."
2. with it at the core
"You actually end up relating so strongly to the team’s vision that you build your work priorities with it at the core."
3. in line with it
"You actually end up relating so strongly to environmental sustainability that you build your purchasing decisions in line with it."
4. anchored in it
"You actually end up relating so strongly to academic principles that you build your study methods anchored in it."
5. guided by it
"You actually end up relating so strongly to a mentor’s advice that you build your approach to challenges guided by it."
6. centered around it
"You actually end up relating so strongly to the community’s needs that you build your career path centered around it."
7. rooted in it
"You actually end up relating so strongly to cultural heritage that you build your artistic expression rooted in it."
8. grounded in it
"You actually end up relating so strongly to the core mission of the company that you build your team’s projects grounded in it."
이런 식으로 다양한 표현을 연습하시면 자연스러운 표현 선택을 배우는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.